FutureFest 2001


Ethical Society building on Rittenhouse Square, Phila., Pa.

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On October 20th, PASA sponsored the first annual FutureFest 
at the Ethical Society on Rittenhouse Square. 
Three of our members gave presentations for the Future Space
portion of the auditorium programming.

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Jay Haines, our Treasurer talked about the various grass roots space Organizations, including PASA, the National Space Society, and the Space Studies Institute among others. Michelle Baker, our VP, as an Ambassador for the Jet Propulsion Laboratories, talked about the recent Galileo flyby of Jupiter's moon Io, and the Mars Odyssey Mission which arrived at Mars on October 24th. She also mentioned future projects such as Mars Rovers and the Tumbleweed. Gary Fisher, the President of the Independence Mars Society, gave a presentation about Mars, and is pictured here with the Mars Terrain which some of the PASA members helped too make. The public could drive mindstorm rovers over the terrain, and even get Mars candy bars.